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Welcome to TEAM AWSM! We're the American Women Shooters Mentorship!
Our Mission: To Mentor, Support and Promote Firearms Safety Education and Shooting
Proficiency For All American Women!**
** Copyright A.W.S.M! 07-11
The American Women Shooters Mentorship aka AWSM! is a Firearms Safety Education Program and Coalition of American Firearms Safety Educators. Launched in 2011 by Crystal Mann she began with a local vision aimed at a national impact focused on helping one AWSM! marksman at a time.
We Are Committed to Firearms Safety, Education & Proficiency.
We Believe in More Education, Less Legislation.
We Believe In Responsibility & Accountability.
We Believe in Empowerment Through Firepowerment.
Who We Are:
We Are American Women (& Some Men Too) of all backgrounds, shapes, sizes & occupations. We are a Firearms Safety Education Coalition of safety committed Mothers, Fathers, Sisters & Brothers! We aim for Safety, Education & Proficiency!
We Invite You to Attend An Event & Be AWSM! With Us!
All Events Require Pre Registration.
Deposit is Due At Registration.
NEW in 2021! TEAM AWSM! Homeschool Team!
We Have Our Own Unique BANGO! Shoots in good weather! Win prizes while you have a BLAST!
Education is Our Mission! Check Back for Event Schedules!! Or Add Your Email to the List and Be Notified HERE
WHAT HAPPENS @ AWSM! EVENTS: You Will Have A Guaranteed Blast! Depending on the type of event & discipline being enjoyed we always exchange ideas, share firearms & gain invaluable knowledge and experience.
We Learn:
So Much More!
Expect to always have a SAFE, GunDaMentals BLAST!